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Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

by alerender

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

Nowadays, technology has made it possible for us to access numerous tools to carry out a production, all driven by our enthusiasm, skills, and creativity. We have characters and scenes at our disposal, voices generated by artificial intelligence, and tools to capture our animations, along with extensive motion libraries. Join us as we explore the workflows of two of our users.

In this case, a workflow consists of several essential elements to successfully address all the requirements for scene recreation. Firstly, we need software in which we can integrate all the components, such as characters, the environment, and animation. Among the software options to consider are Blender, Unreal, Maya, and others. However, the choice should be based on what is most suitable for our scene, taking into account factors like hardware specifications, rendering times, animation, etc.

Let's discover these two creators, whose production is made possible by doing everything themselves, without relying on the structure of an animation studio.


Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

Nyokee is a musical and visual artist from the UK (London), inspired by early chiptunes and 8-bit music. Her powerful sound blends Kawaii synthesizers with retro gaming sounds.

But her creativity extends beyond just music; it's also reflected in her visual creations.

Nyokee takes care of the complete production of her music videos, exploring all available resources to achieve the best result according to her style.”

As per one of her YouTube videos, she decided to develop a digital avatar as an extension of her creative identity. She was inspired by other artists, such as Gorillaz, a band whose members are portrayed by four cartoon characters.

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

Nyokee Workflow

She uses Plask for motion capture and Mixamo for standard motions, then assembles the scene in Blender.

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

If you want to discover more of her creations, visit her channel.

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

Guillermo Paz

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

Guillermo is a filmmaker who uses Unreal to create short films. He's the creator of brief stories in which images and sounds breathe life into highly realistic fictional worlds. Unreal is software that provides access to settings, characters, and real-time rendering capabilities, significantly streamlining the director's work. Guillermo can construct scenes and make instant decisions regarding lighting changes, and camera angles, all while visualizing in real-time how the scene will appear.


He refines his animations using Plask and Mixamo before refining them further with Iclone, which helps address issues related to posture, shaking, and foot placement.

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

If you want to explore his work, visit his channel where you can find all of his creations

Exploring the DIY Creators' Workflows

On our channel, you'll find all the information you need to use Plask and integrate it with various software