Maybe you want to use the animations created in Plask, but you find it challenging to do the retargeting, build the IK Rig, and set up the IK retargeter. Well, by downloading this project, you'll have everything ready to simply import your Plask animation and choose which of these 9 characters you want to use it on
Download the project. It's a heavy file, but it already includes the 9 characters that are available for free on the Unreal Marketplace.
Capture a video in Plask
Place the animation on the Plask Mannequin.
Export the animation as Unreal FBX.
Now open the Unreal project and import 'Test_4' into the PLASK folder.
In the Retarget folder, choose the character to which you want to apply the animation. Just enter the character you choose (in my case, I chose Steel), and the animation will already be available in the Asset Browser panel for this character. Export it to the desired folder.
Ready, that's it. The character already has the animation available to use in the Sequencer.