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Apply Motion

This is the step to apply the animation to the Scene after extracting it via Import video.

Drag and drop

Apply Motion

  • Drag and drop the extracted animation onto the bone you want to apply it to.
  • Animations are automatically mapped based on the node's name and hierarchy.
  • If the mapping doesn't work the way you want, rename the node.

Mapping rules

  • Animation data is provided based on models that are T-pose.
  • Retargeting is mapped based on the name and hierarchy of the Bone.
    • Plask’s motion capture is extracted based on 24 source bones:

      Apply Motion

    1. hips
    2. spine
    3. spine1
    4. spine2
    5. neck
    6. head
    7. leftShoulder
    8. leftArm
    9. leftForeArm
    10. leftHand
    11. leftHandIndex1
    12. rightShoulder
    13. rightArm
    14. RightForeArm
    15. rightHand
    16. rightHandIndex1
    17. leftUpLeg
    18. leftLeg
    19. leftFoot
    20. leftToeBase
    21. rightUpLeg
    22. rightLeg
    23. rightFoot
    24. rightToeBase
    You can setup more bones in in your character, but only 24 bones will be handled for retargeting animation. If extra bones are not related with the applied animation, you can add how many more bones you want.(ex extra finger bones, bones for accessories)

Rename a node

Apply Motion

  • If you have a source that doesn't map well, try modifying the name of the node(joint).
  • Try renaming the bones in Outliner to the above 24 names. You can do this by right-clicking on the node in Outliner and selecting 'Rename'.

Auto transformation

This is done in the process of becoming an Apply animation.

  • Rotation transform: Bones have different local orientations depending on the tool or method they are rigged with. Our tool does a rotation transformation to ensure that the animation is the same as the Source animation regardless of the orientation.
  • Position scaling: Models have different ratios and joint lengths. We scale the position to have a corresponding percentage of the position change.