Your next animation begins with our easy motion capture
Plask helps you create professional-quality animation with ease. However, there are a few best practices to follow when it comes to capturing motion with your video.
Plask may not recognize person well in vertical videos. If you're not seeing great results with vertical video, try adding padding or margin on the left and right sides.
Plask's software is designed to recognize only human forms. Capturing the movement of non-human objects for animation is not compatible with our system. Also keep in mind that baggy or oversized clothing can confuse our algorithm, wearing clothing that defines the human shape will ensure a better result.
For optimal results, ensure that the video captures the full body of the individual in all scenes intended for animation. This comprehensive capture approach provides greater flexibility during the animation process.
Videos with a resolution lower than 720p may compromise the quality of the motion capture.
For precise motion capture, the individual in the video should stand out from the background. Avoid any blending or overlap with the surroundings. Additionally, ensure that no limbs are cut off from the frame. It's advisable to maintain a margin of space around the body in the full-body shot.
For best results, record the subject's motion from a direct head-on angle to avoid skewed angles that can adversely impact the animation quality.
Plask currently accepts videos in mp4 and webm formats. Ensure your video does not exceed 100 megabytes and is within a duration range of 3 seconds to 5 minutes.
Following these simple guidelines will ensure you have the best motion capture to create the desired animation effect.
In addition to the general guidelines provided earlier, please consider the following specific points:
Capture the movements of multiple individuals at once, especially in scenarios like sports, dance, and action sequences. Ensure the camera remains stationary during recording.
Ensure there are no sections in the video where individuals overlap. Overlapping may result in inaccurate or flawed motion capture.
For optimal performance, it's best to feature fewer than 10 individuals in the video.
Videos with a resolution below 720p might compromise the motion capture quality.
To calculate the total frames, use the formula: Total Frames = Video Duration (in seconds) x Video Frame Rate (fps).