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Import Model

In Plask Motion, import the 3D Model asset that you want to visualize in the scene and apply the Animation asset. Click the "Import Model" button in the Asset panel or drag and drop a .glb or .fbx file into the Viewport to import the Model asset. Next, check the referenced 3D asset in the Scene and apply multiple animations.

Import model

Import Model

  • Click "Import" from the menu at the top of Outliner or click the "Import model" button in Asset.
  • Import models in FBX, GLB format.
  • The FBX version must be 7100 or later.


  • The maximum size of a video that can be uploaded is 50 MB.
  • The Model must have a Mesh and a Skinned Skeleton.
  • Rigging Guide: To ensure that your 3D animations work well, we recommend that the models you import follow the structure and naming conventions below.
    1. Start in T-pose.

    2. Plask’s motion capture is extracted based on 24 source bones:

      Import Model

      1. rightShoulder
      2. rightArm
      3. RightForeArm
      4. rightHand
      5. rightHandIndex1
      6. leftShoulder
      7. leftArm
      8. leftForeArm
      9. leftHand
      10. leftHandIndex1
      11. Head
      12. Neck
      13. Spine2
      14. Spine1
      15. Spine
      16. Hips
      17. rightUpLeg
      18. rightLeg
      19. rightFoot
      20. rightToeBase
      21. leftUpLeg
      22. leftLeg
      23. leftFoot
      24. leftToeBase

      You can setup more bones in in your character, but only 24 bones will be handled for retargeting animation. If extra bones are not related with the applied animation, you can add how many more bones you want.(ex extra finger bones, bones for accessories)