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An action that edits the properties of a 3D node, such as position or rotation, is called a Transformation.


Gizmo transformation

  • Clicking on a node in the Outliner activates a gizmo in the canvas.
  • Pressing the "1" key will change it to a position gizmo.
  • Pressing the "2" key will change it to a rotation gizmo.
  • Pressing the "3" key will change to the scale gizmo.

Transform Node

  • Transform Node is a node used to change the 3D shape. They are typically Bone and Controller. In our tool, we will be dealing with Bones.
  • Transform Nodes have the Position, Rotation, and Scale properties.
  • When a Transform Node is deformed, it changes its skinned Mesh.

Mesh Node

  • A Mesh Node is a shell that shows the shape of a 3D object. It is made up of many polygons that combine to form a 3D object.
  • Mesh Nodes also have Position, Rotation, and Scale properties.