Direct Light

Jaejun You | 2024-07-26

Plask's Light Director makes complex setups accessible to all. This guide explores each parameter, revealing its practical use and underlying technology, empowering you to create professional-grade lighting effects effortlessly.

Parameters for Directing Lights

  1. Lighting Type Selection
    • Choose between Stage light (focused beams) and Studio Light (diffuse wash).
    • Technical Note: Each type has its own parameter space and sampling algorithms.
  1. Palette Configuration
    • Select color schemes (single, complementary, triad, etc.).
    • Behind the scenes: The system samples colors from predefined color spaces based on color theory principles.
  1. Temperature Adjustment
    • Set color temperature range (1000K to 10000K).
    • Technical aspect: The system interpolates between blackbody radiation curves to generate realistic color temperatures.
  1. Layout Control
    • Choose from preset layout distributions.
    • Internally: The system uses spatial probability distributions to place lights within the 3D scene.
  1. Angle Adjustment
    • Select angle distribution styles.
    • Technical detail: Utilizes spherical coordinate sampling to determine light directions.
  1. Pattern Selection
    • Choose animation patterns for light behavior.
    • Behind the scenes: Implements procedural animation algorithms to generate continuous, varied light movements.
  1. Frequency Control
    • Adjust the rate of lighting changes.
    • Technical aspect: Modifies the time step in the procedural animation algorithms.
  1. Aleatory Function
    • Generate random lighting presets within the defined parameter space.
    • Technically: Utilizes Monte Carlo methods to sample from the multi-dimensional parameter space.

The Power of Probabilistic Lighting

The Director's probabilistic approach offers several advantages:

  1. Efficiency: Create complex lighting setups quickly without manual adjustments.
  2. Creativity: Discover unexpected lighting combinations that might be overlooked in traditional methods.
  3. Flexibility: Easily experiment with vastly different lighting scenarios by adjusting high-level parameters.
  4. Consistency: Maintain a coherent style across variations due to the underlying probabilistic models.

Applying Your Lighting Animation

After configuring your desired lighting parameters:

  1. Click "Animate" to generate the final lighting animation.
  2. The system compiles all probabilistic parameters into a deterministic animation sequence.
  3. Review and playback your animation with the new lighting applied.


Director transforms lighting design from a specialist task to an intuitive, creative process. Experiment with the parameters, discover unique combinations, and elevate your 3D animations with expert-level lighting. Your journey to mastering atmospheric lighting starts here.